Meteorological measuring towers in the city

Measurement tower at ROTH
The meteorological measuring towers of the UCO Berlin are located in Berlin-Steglitz in Rothenburgstraße (ROTH) in the garden of the Institute of Ecology and on the roof of the main building of the TU Berlin on the Charlottenburg campus (TUCC). These enable the local-scale quantification of the turbulent exchange of sensible heat, water vapor and carbon dioxide. Eddy covariance measurement systems are used for this purpose. Radiation sensors record the short- and long-wave radiation fluxes. Vertical profiles of air temperature and relative humidity are also installed. The ROTH station is an associate site of the European research infrastructure Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) and part of the national ICOS-D network (ID: DE-BeR).

Wind, turbulence and turbulent fluxes

IRGASON ultrasonic anemometer at TUCC
The wind and turbulence are recorded in Rothenburgstraße with a profile of ultrasonic anemometers at 5 heights, i.e. at 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 10 m and 2 m above the ground. At the TU-Campus Charlottenburg site, an ultrasonic anemometer is used at 10 m above the roof (56 m above the ground). These ultrasonic anemometers measure the three-dimensional wind vector twenty times per second. They have an integrated gas analyzer for measuring the water vapour and carbon dioxide concentration (IRGASON, Campbell Scientific). This enables the measurement of turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat as well as the exchange of carbon dioxide using the eddy covariance method.

Radiation measurements

Measurement of diffuse short-wave radiation at ROTH

The downwelling and upwelling radiation is measured separately for short-wave (pyranometer) and long-wave radiation (pyrgeometer). In addition, the diffuse portion of the downwelling short-wave radiation is recorded. The radiation measurements are carried out at different heights on the tower in Rothenburgstraße.

The seasonal development of the vegetation in the visible and near infrared range is observed at both tower locations using phenocams. (Data from site ROTH, Data from site TUCC)


Overview of measurements

Variable(s) Height above ground (m) Device(s) Temporal
Air temperature and
relative humidity
40, 35, 30, 25,
20, 15, 10, 5, 2
HMP155 (Vaisala) 1 min
Air pressure 40, 30, 20, 10, 2 PTB110 (Vaisala) 1 min
Diffuse radiation 40, 2 SPN1 (Delta-T) 1 min
Short- and long-wave radiation
(down- and up-welling)
40, 30, 20, 10, 2 CNR4 (Kipp & Zonen) 1 min
Concentrations and fluxes of CO2- and H2
40, 30, 20, 10, 2 IRGASON (Campbell Scientific) 20 Hz
Wind vectors (u, v, w) 40, 30, 20, 10, 2 IRGASON (Campbell Scientific) 20 Hz
Precipitation 1 Laser-Niederschlags-Monitor (Thiess)
WS100 (Lufft)
Tipping bucket (Young)
1 min
Soil moisture -0.1, -0.2, -0.3,
-0.4, -0.6, -1
PR2/6 (Delta-T) 1 min
Soil temperature -0.05, -0.1, -0.2,
-0.3, -0.5, -1
Th3 (UP-GmbH) 1 min
Soil heat flux -0.02 bis -0.08 Soil Heat Flux Plate HFP01 (Hukseflux)
Soil temperature: TCAV (Campbell Scientific)
Soil moisture: CS616 (Campbell Scientific)
1 min